Conjunctivitis is a common condition which causes the surface of your eye to go red and, often, sticky or watery and your eye becomes sore.
Types of Conjunctivitis:
Conjunctivitis can be caused by infection from bacteria, viruses or other organisms, and also by allergy or inflammation.
Viral conjunctivitis tends to cause a watery red eye and can last for two to three weeks even with the correct treatment. In most cases viral conjunctivitis does not affect your vision but rarely you might notice your vision becomes blurry or you may see glare when looking at lights. This is due to an inflammatory reaction causing small white dots on the cornea, the transparent window at the front of the eye. These usually fade with time, but it can take a few weeks or even months.
Bacterial conjunctivitis is more likely to cause a red eye with a sticky yellow discharge.
I think I may have Conjunctivitis. What should I do?
There is no antiviral medication for viral conjunctivitis and it does not respond to antibiotic drops as it is not caused by bacteria. The best treatment for viral conjunctivitis is to use artificial tears and simple painkillers, with regular lid cleaning and cold compresses. The conjunctivitis disappears when your body becomes immune to the virus and fights the germs off, just as in a cold or flu. Very rarely, steroid drops are given for severe cases of viral conjunctivitis or when the cornea is affected.
Antibiotic drops can be helpful in cases of bacterial conjunctivitis and are often prescribed for a one or two-week course.
Contact lenses should not be worn during any type of conjunctivitis.
Infection control:Conjunctivitis is contagious and spreads very easily by water droplets (coughing, sneezing) or contact with tissues, flannels, towels, pillowcases and so on. For that reason, it’s really important to wash your hands frequently and dispose of tissues after use to prevent the condition from spreading to other family members or work colleagues.
In addition to proper hand hygiene, it's also important to avoid sharing personal items such as towels, pillowcases, and eye drops. If you have conjunctivitis, it's best to stay at home until the symptoms have subsided to avoid spreading the infection to others. Avoiding close contact with others, and avoiding touching or rubbing your eyes are also important to prevent the spread of infection. For people who wear contact lenses, it's essential to discard the lenses and switch to glasses until the infection is gone. After the infection is cleared, it's important to properly clean and disinfect the contact lenses and lens cases before reusing them.

What is Hayfever?
Hayfever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a common allergy to pollen, dust or mould. It produces cold-like symptoms, such as a blocked or runny nose, sneezing, and itchiness.
What causes Hayfever?
Hayfever is caused by an allergic reaction to certain airborne allergens, such as pollen, mold, and dust mites. When these allergens come into contact with the lining of the nose and eyes, the immune system overreacts, releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause inflammation and symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.
How does hay fever impact the eyes?
The classic sore eye associated with hayfever is called allergic conjunctivitis (to learn more about conjunctivitis, click here). This is an umbrella term for issues with the clear membrane covering the whites of the eyes and the eyelids. It can be rather unpleasant, but does not pose a risk to your vision. The itching sensation you feel is caused by pollen landing in the eye which leads to the release of histamine in turn irritating the nerve endings. The eyes become bloodshot because the blood vessels dilate and swell to fight off the irritant.
My vision is blurry!
Do not fear, this is very common. The blurriness you feel is associated with watery eyes. The tear ducts produce excess fluid to flush out the pollen, which can sometimes result in a thick gooey substance causing your vision to deteriorate temporarily. Try using a cold compress to ease the irritation, and if your symptoms persist book an appointment with us by following this link.
Will Hayfever go away?
From the start of Spring to the end of Summer hayfever sufferers will need to be extra vigilant. From late March until the middle of May, tree pollen peaks. From the middle of May until July, grass pollen peaks. And from the end of June until September, weed pollen is at its peak.
As 95% of hay ever sufferers are allergic to grass pollen, mid-May to July is the ‘peak time’ for hay ever. Unfortunately there is no cure, you just need to be extra vigilant and apply preventative measures. These include:
Take over the counter antihistamines.
Cut down on drinking alcohol during the summer months. It contains histamine, a chemical that promotes allergic reactions.
Keep your eyelids clean with the lid wipes available at our practice.
Take artificial tear drops to help flush out the pollen if your eyes are particularly irritated. You can find these at our practice too.
If you have any questions or concerns, call our practice to book an appointment by following the attached link.

This week we are celebrating National Eye
Health Week and as a result of that we want to give our patients/followers some
tips on how to use screen time. Long periods of screen time with no breaks can
really do some damage. The harmful blue light present in devices can be
damaging for our eye health and bring serious complications along the
So what can you do to minimize visual distress?
1. Use your glasses
: If glasses were prescribed during your visit to the
Optician and advised to be used on screen time, you should definitely listen to
them. By wearing your glasses, your eyes will not struggle to see properly and
will feel less stress;
2. Get Anti Reflection Coating
: The anti-reflection coating protects our
eyes from the damaging blue light and also reflects the glare from all
artificial lights. This makes your vision look sharper as there is no glare
staying on the lenses;
3. Make sure to take frequent breaks
: Use the rule of 20-20-20 -
Look away from your device every 20 minutes for 20 seconds on something
20 feet away. This will help your eyes to rest from continues concentration on
the device you are looking at;
4. Customise you screen settings
: Make sure the light is not to bright
as that will tire your eyes quicker. The monitor should be at an arm length
away and should be positioned at eye level. Always select a font size of 12pts
or above, anything that feels comfortable at that distance so you don't feel
your eyes trying to squint to see better;
5. Keep blinking
: Even if we don't notice, our blink rate can fall by
60% when we are concentrating on monitors. Shutting your eyes for a few seconds
and rolling your eyeballs around with them still closed can give you some
instant refresh;
6. Stay hydrated
! Dehydration can increase symptoms of screen fatigue,
so make sure to always have your water handy;
7. Regular Eye Examination
s - Last but not least, make sure to follow
the recall for your eye tests according to your opticians. Anyone >16 years
old should have their eyes tested every 2 years, unless your Optician advises
you otherwise.
So if you are having any trouble with your vision, if you
are due for an eye examination or if you never had one before, why not contact
us and get that booked? Our team would be delighted to see you. You can find
our contacts below:
0208 592 6060
0203 551 6075
Remember - At Care Optics - Eye Care, We Care