Use this checklist to find out if your child could be helped by a full assessment / school vision specialist
Does your child have any of these symptoms?
Blurring of words when reading
Working distance close when writing or reading
Blinks or rubs eyes a lot
Gets rapidly tired at school and often exhausted at end of school day
Headaches and/or aching eyes
Difficulties with copying from the blackboard or book
Poor or variable handwriting, often slow
Poor co-ordination or history of co-ordination problems
Loss of concentration, poor attention span
Reading accuracy and speed below chronological age
Loses place or line when reading
Misses out words or letters when reading
Often has to use finger as a marker to keep place
Poor at Math / Mixes numbers in Math
Reverses letters and numbers
Confuses right and left past age 7 (and sometimes up and down )
Poor visual memory
Poor posture when working
Covers one eye when reading
Moves head when reading
Homework takes longer than it should
Poor at ball skills and team games
Does not understand what has been read
If your child has 3 or more symptoms we would advise your child has a school vision assessment.